Tomeny Best

Getting into a serious motorcycle wreck that involves only people who live in Louisiana can be immensely complicated and stressful all on its own. However, if a crash happens because of the negligence of someone from another state, or if you get hurt while riding outside of your home state of Louisiana, things can get exponentially more complex. You may miss out on much-needed compensation if you are not properly prepared.

It can be all but essential to have a skilled motorcycle accident attorney on your side in the wake of a Prairieville out-of-state motorcycle accident. Fortunately, you have support available from the experienced legal team at Tomeny | Best, where you can expect a custom-tailored approach to your situation by compassionate attorneys who treat you like family.

Holding an Out-of-State Driver Liable for a Motorcycle Crash

Regardless of what state someone is from, they assume the same duty of care as all other Louisiana drivers when operating a motor vehicle on public roads. Likewise, anyone who breaches their duty and causes a motorcycle crash as a direct result of that misconduct can be held financially liable for ensuing injuries and losses, no matter where they were coming from or where they were going at the time the incident occurred.

That said, there are plenty of ways in which suing an out-of-state driver over a Prairieville motorcycle crash can be difficult in a practical sense, starting with the fact that the person at fault for the wreck may return to their home state before a claim can be formally brought against them. On top of that, their insurance coverage may not meet the minimum requirements set by Louisiana state law if they come from a state with lower minimum insurance requirements, which may limit the total amount of compensation it is possible to compel them to pay.

Can Out-of-State Riders Sue Over Injuries?

Just like an out-of-state driver would be liable under Louisiana’s laws for causing a crash here, a Louisiana motorcycle rider hurt in a wreck in a different state would be subject to that state’s laws if they wanted to sue over the incident. As a result, suing over a motorcycle crash while out-of-state can work very differently from suing over a crash that happened at home in Prairieville. This is especially the case if the law in which that crash occurred has different rules regarding holding injured people liable for the role they played in causing their own injuries.

Other states may also have different filing deadlines set for personal injury litigation, and it may even be necessary to stay within that state’s borders or retain legal counsel from that state while a case is ongoing. The Tomeny | Best team could provide vital assistance with understanding and navigating these obstacles.

Let a Prairieville Attorney Help Handle an Out-of-State Motorcycle Accident

Pursuing a lawsuit over a motorcycle wreck that occurred out-of-state or involved an out-of-state driver can involve various legal and procedural hurdles that would not be a factor in most standard claims of this nature. Put simply, this is not the kind of situation you should try handling alone, or without the support of a legal professional who has handled similar claims successfully in the past.

You can get the help you need with your Prairieville out-of-state motorcycle accident from the seasoned team at Tomeny | Best. Call today for a free consultation.

Tomeny Best

Tomeny Best