Tomeny Best

Conservatively, the average tractor-trailer outweighs the average passenger car by several tons, is many times longer and taller than that smaller vehicle, and is often significantly wider than it as well. Put simply, semi-trucks are the biggest thing on virtually any road they travel down, which means they can also be the most dangerous thing on the road if they are not operated carefully and considerately by well-trained professionals.

Unfortunately, as you may have recently learned, both egregious errors and honest mistakes can lead to traffic collisions involving these massive machines, many of which end up causing life-altering harm. Here are just some of the more common causes of truck accidents in Prairieville that the truck injury lawyers at Tomeny | Best are familiar with, and which they could also help you demand comprehensive compensation for if necessary.

Lack of Experience

Put bluntly, driving a vehicle that can legally be up to 80 feet long and weigh up to 80,000 pounds in total does not work the same as driving a sedan or SUV, in a practical or mechanical sense. Unfortunately, even truckers who have commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs) still sometimes lack hands-on experience driving the particular type of rig or carrying the particular type of load they have been tasked with. This inexperience is a prevalent cause of truck wrecks in Prairieville and throughout the state of Louisiana.

Drunk or Distracted Driving

Another unfortunate fact about the trucking industry is that both experienced and inexperienced drivers will sometimes get behind the wheel without full control of their faculties. Whether that is because of intoxication from alcohol or drugs, extreme fatigue, or simply boredom that leads to them distracting themselves with their phones or something else in the cab with them, this kind of irresponsible behavior is likely to lead to wrecks no matter where or for how long it happens.

Pressure From Employers

Having a tough job is not an excuse to be irresponsible behind the wheel, but it is worth noting that not all traffic crashes involving commercial trucks are solely the fault of the person driving the truck involved. Seasoned truck injury lawyers know all too well that plenty of trucking companies pressure their drivers to drive as fast as possible in order to complete routes quickly and make their employers more money, and that those companies sometimes even break state or federal law in doing so.

Poor Truck Maintenance

Finally, one common cause of truck crashes in Prairieville that is not brought up as commonly as others is mechanical problems with the truck itself. Insufficient maintenance from a mechanic, a failure to secure cargo inside a trailer by a supplier loading that trailer up, or even a manufacturing error that leads to faulty parts being installed in a truck to begin with can all lead to a catastrophic breakdown at high speeds.

A Prairieville Attorney Can Help Sue Over All Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Of course, these are just some of the many ways in which negligence by a truck driver, trucking company, or a host of other people involved in the trucking industry could lead to a serious wreck. That said, both uncommon and common causes of truck accidents in Prairieville can serve as grounds for civil litigation if you can prove they qualify as legally actionable negligence on someone’s part.

A skilled legal professional can provide invaluable assistance with this and many other aspects of the legal process. Call Tomeny | Best today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your recovery options.

Tomeny Best

Tomeny Best