Do’s and Don’ts of Personal Injury Cases
Personal Injury
Every day, you take on certain risks, such as the potential for getting into a collision when you drive your car or getting hurt while…
What to Look for When Hiring a Lawyer
Personal Injury
When it comes to hiring the right attorney to handle your personal injury case, there are multiple vital points to consider. Experience Specialized in the…
Five Tips to Increase Your Personal Injury Settlement
Personal Injury
Louisiana law allows people who are hurt in accidents caused by others to seek compensation from the responsible party through a personal injury claim. A…
How Can Social Media Affect Your Personal Injury Case?
Personal Injury
After you’ve been hurt in an accident or harmed by someone else’s negligence, it may seem like second nature to post your status on social…
How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Louisiana?
Personal Injury
In Louisiana, you only have one year to file a personal injury claim. However, there are exceptions. This is why it is critical that you…
Baton Rouge Car Accident Lawyer Answers Questions about PTSD
Library, Personal Injury
Recognizing PTSD after an Accident Many people who experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after an accident may not even realize it. Because you can experience…
Louisiana Attorney Explains What to Do After an Accident and You Have No Insurance
Library, Personal Injury
No health insurance? No worries. Louisiana Attorney Explains Your Options A recent HealthDay Reporter survey found that about 15% of people in the United States…
Baton Rouge Injury Lawyer: Quadriplegia & Paraplegia Cases
Library, Personal Injury
Quadriplegia and Paraplegia: Help For Your Family in Louisiana Quadriplegia and Paraplegia Injury Attorney Serious and permanent injuries, including quadriplegia and paraplegia, are life altering…
Television Related Injuries in Children Becoming More Common
Personal Injury
Between 1990 and 2011, more than 380,000 children were treated in U.S. emergency departments for television-related injuries. This is roughly equal to one child getting…
Signs of a Head Injury
Personal Injury
Signs of a head injury may be very obvious after an accident or injury. Injuries that are severe usually get examined immediately to ensure that…

Tomeny Best

Tomeny Best