Tomeny Best

When you hurt yourself while on someone else’s private property, you may be able to seek monetary damages for the harm you experienced. To be eligible to file a claim, you need to show that they made a negligent mistake that caused your injuries. Work with a skilled attorney to take legal action so you can focus on healing.

A Prairieville private property premises liability lawyer at Tomeny | Best understands the frustrations you likely experience after an unexpected accident, like a slip, trip, or fall. Our dedicated premises liability attorneys could provide unparalleled support and guidance to those in these vulnerable positions, so call today to get started.

Suing a Private Property Owner for Injuries

Under Louisiana Civil Code Article 2322, landowners—including non-commercial property owners—are responsible for keeping buildings they own reasonably safe. For example, they should regularly clear out, refuse, and repair the roof and deck to avoid unexpected collapses. Likewise, property owners may be responsible for injuries that someone experiences because of a defect or dangerous condition involving structures on the land.

For example, if someone is hurt by a burst pipe while visiting a neighbor, they may have a claim for damages. However, exceptions apply where someone may not be liable for this type of harm. For example, under Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:2791, private landowners may not be legally obligated to upkeep their property if others use it for non-commercial recreational use like hunting, fishing, or boating.

Well-practiced Prairieville attorneys understand the nuanced laws that apply to premises liability cases involving private property. They could counsel an injured person to help them decide on the appropriate course of action, provide critical insight into crafting a fair settlement proposal, and present it to the opposing side.

Compensation After a Premises Liability Case

Under Louisiana Civil Code Article 2315, property owners may be responsible for injuries someone suffers on their land. Damages could include the financial fallout of the harm—such as medical bills or lost income.

To qualify for a potential financial award, injured people must file their claim on time and shape a solid legal case against the negligent landowner. If someone misses this critical filing deadline, they may be unable to hold the at-fault person accountable in court. Those injured on private property should work with an experienced premises liability lawyer in Prairieville who could help them understand and meet such deadlines.

Seek Support From a Prairieville Private Property Premises Liability Attorney

You have every right to visit someone’s house without fearing unexpected harm. You could hold them accountable for their failures when you are hurt because of a negligent property owner. Instead of taking on this responsibility alone, team up with the seasoned lawyers at Tomeny | Best.

Our attorneys have years of experience giving a voice to Louisiana residents who are hurt because someone failed to maintain their property. We are well-equipped to take on these legal battles and champion the rights of the injured. Contact a qualified Prairieville private property premises liability lawyer on our team to schedule a consultation.

Tomeny Best

Tomeny Best