Tomeny Best

Nothing is as devastating as the loss of a loved one. A difficult situation can become unbearable when the unexpected loss was caused by the reckless actions of someone else.

An Iberville Parish wrongful death lawyer could work with Plaquemine families during these difficult times to pursue compensation from those responsible for the incident. Though financial compensation may not make everything right again, it could help alleviate your family’s burdens and provide a foundation to move forward. A compassionate injury attorney at Tomeny | Best Injury Lawyers is here to help, so do not hesitate to reach out.

What is a Wrongful Death?

A legally actionable “wrongful death” is any fatality that is the direct result of another person’s intentional, reckless, or careless acts. What would otherwise be a simple personal injury claim becomes more complex if the event results in the loss of life.

For example, the plaintiff in a car accident personal injury case is typically an injured driver. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant, another driver, was negligent in causing an accident. However, this claim becomes a wrongful death lawsuit if the victim passes away and cannot seek damages on their own behalf. A wrongful death case still needs to prove that the defendant was negligent, but the fact that death occurred changes what compensation is available and who can pursue it. As such, it is essential to speak with a knowledgeable wrongful death attorney serving the Plaquemine area.

Pursuing Full Compensation for a Family’s Losses

State law strictly limits which parties may pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. According to Louisiana Civil Code 2315.2 (A), those who are eligible to seek compensation include:

  • The surviving children and/or spouse of the deceased
  • The surviving parents of the deceased, if no spouse or children survive
  • The surviving siblings of the deceased, but only if no spouse, parents nor children survive, or
  • The surviving grandparents of the deceases, but only if no spouse, parents, children, or siblings survive

These parties may pursue compensation under three categories: economic, non-economic, and punitive damages. Economic damages may include medical costs, funeral bills, and lost wages after the death of a worker. Non-economic damages consider the surviving family’s emotional trauma and suffering. Finally, families may seek punitive damages in certain instances. An Iberville Parish wrongful death attorney could help families in Plaquemine evaluate how the event impacted their lives and pursue full compensation for their losses.

Let a Plaquemine Wrongful Death Attorney Help

Losing a loved one can be an overwhelming experience of chaos and uncertainty. When this death results from another person’s reckless actions, surviving family members should know they have the right to compensation.

An Iberville Parish wrongful death lawyer could lead the fight to hold the defendant liable for their actions. Our team is committed to handling all cases with compassion and precision to try and provide stability for your family’s present and future. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

Tomeny Best

Tomeny Best