Tomeny Best

Slip and fall accidents occur daily in Louisiana. Such incidents are usually brought as premises liability cases, meaning a property owner could be held liable if you were injured on their property. Slip and fall accidents usually occur when dangerous conditions such as uneven flooring, puddles, ice, or poor lighting are left unnoticed or unfixed.

When you fall on someone else’s property and sustain injuries, speak to a seasoned Prairieville slip and fall lawyer about your case. A successful settlement could reimburse you for the cost of your medical care and lost income after the accident. Discuss your legal options with a trusted personal injury attorney from Tomeny Best today.

Premises Liability in Louisiana

In premises liability claims, the person seeking compensation from a property owner must prove that the owner breached a legal duty. Determining liability in slip and fall cases is often complex as the injured person’s negligence and purpose for entering the land are relevant factors for the defense. For example, if the injured party was careless in avoiding the hazardous condition that led to their fall, the defendant could avoid liability.

The type of property involved can also impact who is responsible for injuries in a slip and fall case.

Property owners can be negligent in several ways, including failure to maintain property and failing to warn of or address a dangerous hazard. Defendants in premises liability cases often challenge their liability by arguing they were unaware of the dangerous condition. When you are injured on someone else’s property, speak to a Prairieville slip and fall accident attorney at Tomeny Best. Our skilled team could collect and analyze evidence to prove an owner’s negligence.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Property owners are legally responsible for keeping premises safe for visitors, whether a home, store, or other public space. When slip and fall accidents occur, it is usually due to a hazard on the land, such as:

  • Bad lighting
  • Obstruction or debris
  • Ice, rain, or snow
  • Broken stairs or uneven flooring
  • Failure to use signage

Most slip and fall accidents are avoidable with proper maintenance and precautions. For example, store owners can assign employees to inspect their aisles and parking lots for hazards to protect customers. Similarly, homeowners should repair broken stairs and uneven flooring and clear other obstructions or debris. A Prairieville attorney could review the details surrounding a slip and fall accident to determine its cause and connect the event to your injuries.

Injuries From Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents cause various injuries ranging from mild to catastrophic. Compensation in a particular case depends on the severity of harm. Common injuries in slip and fall cases include:

  • Cuts or lacerations
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Hip injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury or other head trauma
  • Spinal cord injury or paralysis

A Prairieville attorney could file a claim to recover damages for injuries and other losses from a slip and fall.

Hire a Prairieville Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

The aftermath of a slip and fall is often harrowing for you and your family, especially when injuries are life-altering. Our experienced Prairieville slip and fall lawyers at Tomeny Best could investigate the cause of your accident and determine liability for your injuries. A successful personal injury settlement or lawsuit could reimburse your medical care and lost income and hold negligent property owners accountable. We offer free consultations, so call anytime to meet with an attorney.

Tomeny Best

Tomeny Best